Friday, July 13, 2007

Ofu Island

0900 local Friday

Confetti is anchored in a roll-y, but lovely anchorage in the Manu'a Islands (part of American Samoa). We had a fast 65nm close-reach east from Pago Pago in NE 10-knots, the island easily fetched in 9 hours. There was a fair amount of fish-feeding in the messy swell, but all were happy as we arrived at these beautiful green islands that jut straight out of the water to 2000-feet. There is a permanent cloud over the peak above our boat, and the rugged hillside is thick with lush growth. Samoan flying
foxes (fruit bat) have been flying over the boat, and there is the constant sound of songbirds from the trees.

Landing the dinghy in surf yesterday was a bit challenging, but well worth it for the amazing snorkeling inside the reef, and the gorgeous white sand beach that is part of the national park of Samoa. There are only a couple hundred people living here, and, although polite, they seem wary of visitors. We are the only boat anchored, and generally not that many boats come to the Manu'a, as the anchorage is only marginally protected (and because it isn't written about in the cruising guides, which most
cruisers stick to).

Our friend Liz Hammond flies in today on a small plane from Pago Pago. She and Dan know each other from high school, and she has recently become a NOLS Instructor, as well as the NOLS Mexico Branch Director. With her arrival, our crew will be complete, so we will shove off to head north within a few days. A few projects loom, but otherwise we are ready to head for the equator.

Update: Liz arrived on a little 19-seater and within minutes was in the water snorkeling in this virtual aquarium. Colin's lighting the grill now for burgers and tomorrow we'll get some projects done before some more island exploring/snorkeling. Our fabulous crew is complete and all is great aboard Confetti.


Kelly said...

I think 'Bon appetit' and 'Bon voyage' both are achievable by this crew!

Love and luck and learning to all --

Lorena said...

Lorena and Barbara are here -- glad to hear Liz has arrived safely. Your trip sounds fantastic!

Greetings from Heyburn State Park.