Saturday, July 14, 2007

(no subject)

Manu'a Islands

Today was a very productive day of projects. We got the new GPS installed and up and running, which is a big relief. MJ and Liz went up the mast (not at the same time) to install our running backstays, now that we'll be going upwind. And much, much more was accomplished!

We will weigh anchors (we have 2 set since the anchorage isn't great) in the morning after a few more projects and head for Fanning Island, an atoll 1250nm to the northeast. That will be our resting point in the middle of the ocean, as well as a good dive and surf spot. The forecast is for 20-knots of east wind, so we hopefully will be speeding along on a close-reach. All well aboard and enjoying our last night in these fantastic islands by drinking some coconuts and using the grill one last timw.

Installing the new GPS.

Colin and MJ changed the zincs and scrubbed the bottom so we could go north fast.

Getting the riding sail up to help with the rough anchorage.

MJ aloft to put on the running backstays.

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