Wednesday, September 19, 2007


N38 17 W139 55
local 1930
825nm from San Francisco

It's blowing 20-kts NE and we are hard on the wind, double-reefed with storm jib. It's quite a contrast to a couple days ago. We're burying the rail and moving at about 6-kts. Not everyone is feeling terrific but we're all happy to be moving well and sailing again. Port tack is more challenging for working at the nav station (where I am now) and for cooking. I've got one knee and a big toe jammed against a bulkhead trying to stay in the chair to type this as the boat launches. The moon is in its
first quarter tonight and the clouds (which we've had 100% of) have lifted just a bit to show us a really pretty night. The wind is supposed to increase and back tomorrow, so we should be on more of a reach and screaming along. We're on our way!

Trying to get some sleep!

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