Friday, September 07, 2007

Almost ready to go!

We are doing last minute projects and getting the boat loaded down with food. So much food actually, that we are listing to starboard. But that's not a bad thing, since we will be on starboard tack for at least a week as we head into the NE tradewinds again. It will be like having crew on the rail!

Our dear friend Susan Chamberlin flew in on Wednesday and hit the deck running, helping us get the boat ready. I met Susan in 1999 on a NOLS sailing trip in Annapolis, and Dan and I have since enjoyed sailing with her in Mexico and in Maine. So we are excited to sail across the Pacific with her now. Susan is on the NOLS Board of Trustees and most recently worked as VP for government affairs at the Cato Institute in DC. She is currently enjoying a leave of absence from work to expedition and explore.

And to round out our fabulous crew, another lovely friend, George Van Sickle, landed last night, direct from Michigan where he lives with his wife Steph. I first met George in 1998, also on a NOLS sailing trip, in the Pacific Northwest. George was a longtime NOLS instructor in many skill areas, and recently reappeared, after a few years' hiatus, to work some Mexico courses last year, one of which was the sailing instructor course with Dan and me.

We are so thrilled to have Susan and George for this last passage of our journey. It's gone by so fast, we can hardly believe we'll be home in a few weeks.


Anonymous said...

We can't wait to see you guys! Has it really been almost a year already? xxoo Cass, Eric & Annika

Anonymous said... look wonderful :-) we miss you have fun sailing home to SF