Monday, April 30, 2007

still in Nuku Hiva

It's 10Pm local time, Monday night here. We wouldn't have wanted this engine project to be TOO easy! Okay, I lie, we wanted the repairs to be easy, but we knew they wouldn't be. Finally got the engine running today and oil cooler is working. But there were some other issues, so we need to wait another 24 hours for some gaskets to seal. If all seems good tomorrow at noon, then we will take off for the Tuamotu Islands, 500 miles southwest.

Dan, one of the most patient people I know on earth, exhibited a super human caliber of patience today while taking the engine apart again (and again and again), all while holding what would surely be a challenging pose for even a yoga expert, upside down, in the heat, with sweat just pouring off him, for hours.

The saying does go that sailboat "cruising is really just working on your boat in exotic places!"

View of a manta ray from aloft, while inspecting the rig.

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